Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by warmaster_22 »


can I find a Script for the CAS/CAT archive of Battlefield 3???? the only script found is this one it work only for the SB/TOC

I've sent a copy of the cat file (in a zip), the other CAS file are too heavy
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by aluigi »

Script 0.3.4.
Let me know if you get any error message because I don't know if the format of the archived files is the same or not, in that case just upload the first 5 megabytes of cas_01.cas (you can use the filecutter script to do the job)
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by warmaster_22 »


Your script work for the TOC/SB but for the CAS/CAT files it dont work...

like the screenshot in my file

this error is the same with the file and all the CAS file.... Cas01.cas... Cas.02.cas etc etc

signature of 16 bytes at offset 0x0000022c doesn't match the one
expected by the script:

this one: "" (the char is unknown)
01 00 00 00 94 90 a4 3f 4b db 97 f6 dd c7 1f 2e .......?K.......

expected: "NyanNyanNyanNyan"
4e 79 61 6e 4e 79 61 6e 4e 79 61 6e 4e 79 61 6e NyanNyanNyanNyan

- 0 files found in 1 seconds
coverage file 0 0% 0 3494160 . offset 00000000
coverage file 1 0% 16 3494160 . offset 0000023c
coverage file -10 0% 0 171008 . offset 00000000

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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by aluigi »

You are still using the old version of the script.
Current version if 0.3.4
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by warmaster_22 »

EDIT.... found it.... I didn't scroll down the page enough
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by warmaster_22 »

with the 0.3.4

Error: incomplete input file -3:
Can't read 130168 bytes from offset 00000390.
Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written
to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it
or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted.
Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.

coverage file -3 100% 912 912 . offset 00000390

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:

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same error with and other .cas files
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by aluigi »

The link to the script is ever the same, it's also the same you linked in your first post :)

As said in my last post I need the file. Read it again and upload the file.
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by warmaster_22 »

the Cas01.cas after the filesplitter script is in the RAR.... the old and obsolete Frostbite script gave me the first error in my first post, your current version (0.3.4) of the script gave me the second error in my third post.....

the errors are the same with all the CAS/CAT files...

Do you want me to correct the script link in my first post??? I've already found your last version of the script....

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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by aluigi »

Script 0.3.4a, basically the files are just stored "as-is" without the complex chunked method used in other games.
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by warmaster_22 »

ohh i've downloded It and after reading this....

get EXT extension
if EXT == "cat" || EXT == "cas"
callfunction RAW_CAS_CAT 1
#print "Error: you must use this script on the TOC files that will extract CAT/CAS automatically"

i'm sorry if i didn't use the script properly.... thank's
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by aluigi »

Do you mean that there is also a toc file?
Anyway it works perfectly on cas/cat so... :)
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by warmaster_22 »

errr.... Layout .toc... his size is only 3Ko, this is why i've didn't think about it.... (in the RAR)
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Re: Battlefield 3 CAS/CAT bms script???

Post by abdou_wizi »

Hi ..

Its the same way for cas /cat files in fifa 2018 ??