Discworld 2 (PS1) Archive -- .LFI and .LFD files

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Discworld 2 (PS1) Archive -- .LFI and .LFD files

Post by sadikyo »

Hello again!

I am trying to unpack the contents of an .LFD archive contained in Discworld II (PS1).

I believe the structure is simple, and the details for the files contained and locations are in an associated .LFI file. I can see the structure, I just don't know exactly how to write the BMS script to use the .LFI and .LFD to unpack contents.

See attached for the .LFI file. It looks like the first 12 bytes are the filename, and then a 32-bit filesize / 32-bit index location.

If you need the .lfd file I can send also but thought this might be easier to start with.

Any help is much appreciated!

Thank you so much!
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Re: Discworld 2 (PS1) Archive -- .LFI and .LFD files

Post by aluigi »