offset filesize filename
00000000f8194979 1018017 ui/optionsmenu/fr_optionsmenu_bundle_pk_a01.dxt
00000000e8fab403 4032 rooms/061-crakwall/
00000000b3dcfcdb 86903 costumes/261-rip-at-podium-cos/rip-at-podium-cos_a
- it's not possible to create that file due to its filename or related
incompatibilities (for example already exists a folder with that name), so
now you must choose a new filename for saving it.
if you press ENTER a new name will be generated automatically.
- old: costumes\261-rip-at-podium-cos\rip-at-podium-cos_akostume_pk_a37.dxt
- new:
But if you unpack the data UNDER LINUX, using the native version of quickbms (i don't tried the windows version using wine) then the script works as a charm
You can found the latest quickbms compiled for debian/*buntu/Mint here
Remember to use the quickbms_4gb.bin