modding NHL 2K11, please help

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

Hi guys,
I'm working on this mod for more than 2 years using Dolphin and custom textures.

I really wish I could improve the sounds and models, but I just cant figure out how to get to the actual game files from the iso. All that I can see is 2 big game compressed (?) files and few small system files.

I attached the start and the end of one of those big files and structure of the iso, as Luigi suggested to me.
Please let me know if anything is needed.

Thank you very much in advance.
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by aluigi »

No filenames and probably most of the files are of unknown type (don't expect png, dds, wav and so on).
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

aluigi wrote:

No filenames and probably most of the files are of unknown type (don't expect png, dds, wav and so on).

1st thank you very much for your time. You are actually 1st person in 2 years that moved me somewhere with this! :)

I'm currently at work and can't wait to try this as I get finally home.
Thanks again!
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

So I managed to try it at work on notebook!
Everything work great, but it stops extraction with this error: incomplete input file..... Can't read 64 bytes from offset... etc.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong now.

I'm guessing you managed to decompress the game completely without this error, is that correct?

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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by aluigi »

Don't know what to suggest because the script is correct and so it's not its fault.
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

Ah okay, so you haven't this error during the decompression.
So it must be something on my side.

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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by aluigi »

Oh no no.
What I meant is that the format says that the size of the archive is 0xe1d65440 bytes while the 0A file you provided is 0x7ff00000 bytes, so there is something missing.
I checked the first image you posted and I noticed a 0A and 0B files so this explains everything, basically the data is splitted in these 2 files that are seen as one and not as two separate archives.

Script 0.2 :D
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

Man you are my hero honestly :)
So that clarify that error, thank god.

So the script needs some tweaks, right?

I'm not sure if it's your cup of tea, but here's a little showcase of that mod, in case you wanna look at it
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by aluigi »

The script is complete, haven't you tried the version 0.2?
It can be used even for reimporting the files (if you modify them) except the file 00000071.dat
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

Where where?? :)
Can't find the link anywhere in your post
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by aluigi »

Because it's ever the same:
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

Oh my bad, I see you updated the 1st one!
Thanks :)
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

Worked smoothly, but at the end I get this little error.
I made photo of it and put it in attachment.

What do you think?
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by aluigi »

It looks like you wrongly selected the whole folder instead of 0A and so after it finished to extract everything correctly (9b7.dat) then it tried to parse 0B.
So it's all ok you have already extracted all the files.
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

Yes exactly, that's what I did :)
So once again thank you very much for helping me with that!

Now I need to figure out what to do with all these .dat files haha

Any idea would be greatly appreciated..
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by aluigi »

Really no idea.
They don't seem compressed but I'm not sure.
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

Ya, just roughly testing few things..

Some of those dat files are obviously audio files. I imported them as raw data in Audiocity and it plays. Just very poorly.
The audio quality is really bad.
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by aluigi »

Usually when the audio looks "poor" (fast and lot of noise) it means the data uses a codec like adpcm
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by djneo »

Yes, exactly how you describe it.
I'll try to look for some converter. If you have any tips or so, I'm a big ear :)
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Re: modding NHL 2K11, please help

Post by aluigi »

You can create a new topic in the Audio section and upload one of these audio files.
I'm sure someone can help you with the codec.