Anyway, a friend asked me to check out this file from the game Cel Damage (Gamecube version I think). After looking at it it looks like the first 0x2030 bytes are file pointers in 2 pairs of longs; the first is the offset, the second is the length. After that there's 10 null bytes, then the file data.
I made this BMS script to extract the files:
Code: Select all
# Cel Damage talkToMe.dat format
# Written by puggsoy
# script for QuickBMS http://quickbms.aluigi.org
get OFFSET long
for OFFSET = OFFSET != 0
get SIZE long
get OFFSET long
When extracting them though, the program says "coverage file 0 29% 5178736 17790976". So apparently I'm only extracting 29% of the total file, which isn't a lot.
In any case, the extracted files look compressed or otherwise obfuscated, I have no idea how to use them. Again, I'm probably extracting them wrong so that might have something to do with it. You can download the file in question here.
Any help would be appreciated