Hi, i been doing some mods, the last i made was for MXGP2, you can check here.
But, the new Milestone game use Unreal 4 engine, it comes in .pak files wich we can unpack with Quickbms, then you have .uasset files.
To open .uasset files i use Unreal Engine editor, make a new project and copy the files i want to open in the folder of the project located in my documents, .uasset can be a model, a texture, etc.
Unreal editor needs the whole (original?) project to let you modify the files, this in not the case.
So, i don't know how to modifiy and re-export/re-save the .uasset file. In my case, a texture.
Any converter/exporter from .uasset to DDS/PNG/TGA and viceversa?
Edit: I found this, dind't try yet