findloc OFFSET binary "\xA1\x03\xC2\xF8" do goto OFFSET get DUMMY long findloc NEXT_OFFSET binary "\xA1\x03\xC2\xF8" 0 "" if NEXT_OFFSET == "" get SIZE asize else math SIZE = NEXT_OFFSET endif math SIZE -= OFFSET log "" OFFSET SIZE math OFFSET = NEXT_OFFSET while NEXT_OFFSET != ""
It might have gotten buried (you only get an e-mail for the first reply since your last visit). Characters aren't the only thing I'm looking for though: the SWBFII world models can only be done in so many configurations when you make a map, so I'd like to try extracting a few environment models from this game and using them in SWBF2 (IE to recreate an Invisible Hand map)