Extracting Fonts from Overwatch

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Extracting Fonts from Overwatch

Post by pineapplepink »

I want to change my name, However, I want to see what characters work. Is it possible to extract the nametag font from Overwatch? I was able to extract the font files with CASCExplorer. However, they seem to be bundled, as you can see here. What tool do I have to use to convert them to a usable format like .TTF so I can see what characters are supported.
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Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:36 pm

Re: Extracting Fonts from Overwatch

Post by OClear »

CASCExplorer doesn't work for me. I don't see any data files. Can't extract nothing.

Maybe explain how you are able to use CASCExplorer to extract those font files?
