Dishonored 2[PC] : .bphysworld

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Dishonored 2[PC] : .bphysworld

Post by Haupty »

Hello guys. After searching in vain in the game files for the buildings, vegetation and skybox models (aka the map assets) of Dishonored 2, I found some files in a format I've never seen before (it must be a new format created specifically for the Void engine) that seems to be containing what I'm looking for. I'm wondering if anyone here can look into the sample I linked to see if it :

-can be decrypted and opened
-contains the maps assets

I have absolutely no experience whatsoever about what you guys are doing over here so I would be grateful if someone can help me out.

Here's the sample :!YQkHUTgZ!qUAnsMgCbj4z ... AHkKA7yw7g

Have a nice day/night and thanks in advance.