What actually is a longlong?

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What actually is a longlong?

Post by traderain »

I am trying to recode a bms script in c# but I have no idea how to actually translate that to c# because there is no such thing in it. I know 8 bytes are read but then how is that to something usefull? Because If I simply read a int64 which is 8 bytes it reads some garbage offset.
Thanks in advance,
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Re: What actually is a longlong?

Post by aluigi »

Use quickbms_4gb_files.exe if you need to handle 64bit fields and/or for files bigger than 4gb.
quickbms.exe is limited to 32bit so 0x0000001122334455 will be read as 0x22334455.
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Re: What actually is a longlong?

Post by traderain »

No, the unpacking works perfectly fine I am just trying to recode the script in c# so I can make an editor for the archive and since I have no idea how to read longlong properly I can't do so.
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Re: What actually is a longlong?

Post by chrrox »

longlong is a 64 bit integer.
long -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 Signed 64-bit integer
ulong 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 Unsigned 64-bit integer
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Re: What actually is a longlong?

Post by aluigi »

UInt64 / System.UInt64