Unity material asset and card animation

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Unity material asset and card animation

Post by jjjjpd »

Hi, I want to seek help if anyone knows how to make animated cards (such as hearthstone golden card, shadowverse animated card, or gwent premium card) using the extracted asset from a .unity3d file?

My personal understanding is that generally for these card animation, you have a base art picture (texture2D asset), a mask picture (texture2D asset) with RGBA channels, and then each single mask channel is applied to the material (Material asset) to make animations. Those texture2D files can be converted to readable DDS or png files, but I don't know what to do with the materials asset, the extracted they can't be used directly in Unity, and I have no idea how to convert/use them.

The attached image shows the assets for a shadowverse card, the highlighted ones are 2 texture2D (one for image, and one for image mask) and 2 material assets.
SV asset.png

I believe every information needed to make that card animation is within the 4 assets, but I have no idea on how to proceed. If anyone have any experience with such, please give me some hint, thanks a lot.