Hi! I founded font file image in another *.ipk and avant_garde_md_32_outline.tfn.ckd in templateinstance_pc32.ipk by childoflight quickbms script! But with templateinstance_pc32.ipk, maybe have diffirent structer? I can not upack this file. Please help me unpack avant_garde_md_32_outline.tfn.ckd. I needing that file to make font. Thanks for any help! Here is sample and script: https://mega.co.nz/#!4RwTVQ4b!K0rmVsS5W ... lD4r3wJ9Og
templateinstance_pc32.ipk in hex
Only need unpack avant_garde_md_32_outline.tfn.ckd for edit! Thanks! Sorry for my bad English!
Unfortunately it's not possible to "easily" convert the script in a 2-steps script (like I did for a couple of games) because the files are stored in a compressed zone inside the archive, so if I make it a 2-steps then you need to make various manual operations to use it.
aluigi wrote:Unfortunately it's not possible to "easily" convert the script in a 2-steps script (like I did for a couple of games) because the files are stored in a compressed zone inside the archive, so if I make it a 2-steps then you need to make various manual operations to use it.
Could you make this script only working with templateinstance_pc32.ipk file? I only need this file! Thanks for any help!