SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
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SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by ImNotDead »

Hi, i've been wanting to modify .model files from the game SoulWorker Online and I stumbled upon this thread which has a python script that imports .model, .anim and .action files into Blender.

Fortunately this still works but the problem is that I want to export/convert the .blend file back into a .model file in which the game can still read it and I've searched for hours on end for anything that can do such a thing and got nothing(unless im blind).

If anyone is willing to help, i'd very much appreciate it.

Sample files are provided below.
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by Szkaradek123 »


Here is a way to export back.

1.Doubleclick "Blender249.blend"
2.There are 2 text windows. First from left is for import models, second is for export.
3.From first text menu select "text => run python script" or press alt+p to import "model" file.

At that moment script create new text file like: 000-0-0.txt.
It is information about offsets for vertices in binary file and its format. "f"=float

4.From 3d window select mesh object , go to edit mode (press TAB) and modify vertices.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can only move vertices, don't remove or don't add new.

5.Close edit mode (press TAB one more time DON'T FORGET) .
6.From second text menu select "text => run python script" or press alt+p to export model.
7.Open folder with model file.
8.You see new file with ".bak". It is your new mesh.
9.To check new mesh make step 3, but select this new ".bak" file for importing.
10.If all is ok, copy original file and move somewhere to safe.
11.Rename ".bak" to original file name
12. If you want to continue modyfing ==> import new "model" file

This way works only with models imported with script.
Some chaotic is this, but simplest for me.
I tested this method with Skyrim models and was not too bad.
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by ImNotDead »

Omg, thank you for this.
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by ImNotDead »

I have a question, I want to change the material of one part of the model to another material and keep the changes but it doesnt get saved when exporting and importing?
For example, I want this part of the model
to be the same material as this part of the model
so it ends up like this and I can export it exactly like this.
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by Szkaradek123 »

Try to edit in text editor file "materials.xml" from folder filename+'_data' like:

Code: Select all

    <Materials override="TRUE">
        <Material name="MT_BODY" diffuse="..\..\..\Textures\" Lighting="None" mobileflags="0" pass="AUTO" transparency="opaque" doublesided="FALSE" depthwrite="TRUE" zbias="0,0,0" specmul="0" specexp="2" parallaxscale="-0.03" parallaxbias="-0.015" ambient="150,150,150,255" sortingkey="0" alphathreshold="0.25" lightmapsize="128,128" lightmapgran="0" lightmapID="-1">
            <Shader library="..\..\..\shaders\SWCellShading.ShaderLib" effect="BodyToonEffect" paramstring="CullMode=back;DepthWrite=true;PassType=pre_basepass;MaterialParams=0,2,-0.03,-0.015;AlphaThreshold=0.25;OutlineThickness=0.012;OutlineColor=0,0,0,1;BodyColor=0.9921569,0.8705882,0.7529412,1;DiffuseHue=1.2;ShadowColor=0.9686275,0.7529412,0.6039216,1;ToonTexture=Character\Common_Textures\;globalAlpha=1;LightVec=-1,1,-1;BodyShadowColor=0.9686275,0.7529412,0.6039216,1;MaskTexture=Character\Player\PC_A\Textures\;BoneColor=0.9686275,0.7529412,0.6039216,1;" />
            <AuxTexture index="0" filename="..\..\..\Textures\" />
        <Material name="MT_UNDRESS_TOP" diffuse="Textures\" Lighting="None" mobileflags="0" pass="AUTO" transparency="opaque" doublesided="FALSE" depthwrite="TRUE" zbias="0,0,0" specmul="0" specexp="2" parallaxscale="-0.03" parallaxbias="-0.015" ambient="150,150,150,255" sortingkey="0" alphathreshold="0.25" lightmapsize="128,128" lightmapgran="0" lightmapID="-1">
            <Shader library="..\..\..\shaders\SWCellShading.ShaderLib" effect="DefaultToonEffect" paramstring="CullMode=back;DepthWrite=true;PassType=pre_basepass;MaterialParams=0,2,-0.03,-0.015;AlphaThreshold=0.25;OutlineThickness=0.012;OutlineColor=0,0,0,1;DiffuseHue=1.2;ShadowColor=1,0.7176471,0.8627451,1;ToonTexture=Textures\;globalAlpha=1;LightVec=-1,1,-1;" />

Replace diffuse from one material to second or replace material to another .
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by ImNotDead »

Ah alright, thanks again.
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by LDSTD »

how can I repack this modified .model into .v file ?
when I repack zip file to .v file, client can't read .v file and it cause error.
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by LDSTD »

I used quickbms script
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by wanglata »

@Szkaradek123 can u re-write script for blender 2.78? i'm max users and too hard for me with older version.
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by MirceaPrunaru »

Can you get the face BlendShapes too from the files? Edit: oh NVM they have facial bones
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Re: SoulWorker Online .blend to .model export/converter

Post by onesun »

hay can any one give me script that works for anim files coos when i get them in blender the dont do noting only show joints

i tested Blender249[SoulWorkerOnline][model][anim][action][bak][2017-02-10]

non works i got game from steam

unpaked whit QuickBMS rar