I've extracted several dds images from a .phyre file most are extracted fine but some images are like just static or scrambled or from what I've googled swizzled is there any script to rearrange them to viewable images?
I usually encounter a few of this on other games as well.
I think they are not compressed since when I use the dimension and DDS format info from the phyre file gives me the exact same size of the texture image that is in the phyre file and there is also a a flag.. I think (or whatever is It called) that marks if the phyre file uses a swizzled or not texture.
in this phyre file case it's 00 01 82 29 00 01 82 29 if the image is ARGB1555 Swizzled. if I simply replace the image with 512x2048 white image it also becomes jumbed in the game, but if I chine the flag to 00 01 A2 29 00 01 A2 29 ( ARGB1555) I can see the 512x2048 white image perfectly.