Video tutorial on full model format reversing (Planetside)

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Video tutorial on full model format reversing (Planetside)

Post by id-daemon »

Video tutorial on model format full reversing. Shows how to split and identify different parts of model data inside files: geometry, faces, UVs, normals, submeshes, materials, bones. Basic knowledge of hex data is required: how to read "little endian" integers and floats in hex.

Planetside (2003) is an old game, so many format parts are different from modern standards.

Sorry for sound quality in first part, that was my first tutorial. Other parts have much better sound.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4
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Re: Video tutorial on full model format reversing (Planetside)

Post by Sckoofer »

Sup man! I recognize you! From youtube right? Nice meet you!
Ok, i have a question! I want to open the ps2 game models, but i dont know how!
Have you any idea?

(alugi? If are you reading, could you please erase my 2 tutorials, i dont know how)

Thx a lot man!
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Re: Video tutorial on full model format reversing (Planetside)

Post by id-daemon »

i'm not usually working with ps2. don't remember anything significant about it
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Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:24 am

Re: Video tutorial on full model format reversing (Planetside)

Post by Sckoofer »
