Have a problems during translating Mother Russia bleeds

How to translate the files of a game
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Have a problems during translating Mother Russia bleeds

Post by WhiteBearPooh »

Hi all

I'm a newbie in this community, so would like to say hi first of all:).
I'm really pleased to meet you all and wish I could get help and also help other guys as well.

Actually, I also interested in localizing games and participated the Korean localizing project, GTA IV, Owl boy, Sniper Elite III and etc with Korean.
And in these days, I enjoyed the game Mother Russia bleeds. So would like to localize it as well.
So, I got some information of it from this forum and arranged the tools and files as well.

However, using the Unity Assets explorer to extract the asset file, I faced an error message like the following.
(For your reference, I attached the captured image file as well.)

"Floating point division by zero"

And in the extracted files folder, I can't find the file including game texts:(, there are only files with tex and dds extensions:(.
The version of the Unity Assets explorer is v1.5 test and I guess it's the latest one.
It would be very grateful if anyone could advise of me about this.

I do much appreciate in advance for the concerns and understandings.

TGMPB (aka. Whitebearpoooh)