super robot daisen(wars) UX(.bin) for 3ds

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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super robot daisen(wars) UX(.bin) for 3ds

Post by aktkglfh »

Hello. I am changing the language of Super Robot Wars from Japanese to Korean.

Romfs is divided into compressed and decompressed files.
Uncompressed files are written in Unicode and are very simple to translate.

The problem with compressed files is that it has a magic name of "ecd."
I saw the name ecd in this forum, remember it as a file for Monster Hunter (maybe 3ds's system uses this ecd compression).

But all I can do is guesswork, and I do not have any special decompression techniques.

The results of my analysis on these files are as follows.
The header consisting of 32 bytes consists of 8 bytes of 'magic', 8 bytes (probably the number for the code to compress), 8 bytes after compression, 8 bytes after decompression there is.

The reason for this is that the size (8 byte big endian) starting from 0x0c of the ecd compressed file matches the size of darc (8 byte little endian) in the header analysis of the file assumed to be darc.

The only other files are scripts and files for other systems, which I guess is that scripts are probably written in Unicode like uncompressed files.

Another reason to think this is because of the script file.

The script presumably did not find any Unicode in the Hex viewer, but the unicode in hiragana and katakana, starting at 30, was made up of sizes that would be available if it was very compressed. (In ecd's header file, the corresponding size before compression and the corresponding size after compression showed a much bigger difference than the file consisting of darc)

Here is a sample file (in the form of a header file in darc) that consists of darc.

They are very small in size, so you can look at the information about the hex at once, and you think you have a lot of information about a particular pattern.

I really hope that the decompression method called ecd is released quickly.

Strange English, but thanks for reading.
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Re: super robot daisen(wars) UX(.bin) for 3ds

Post by hengle »

well done;
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:44 am

Re: super robot daisen(wars) UX(.bin) for 3ds

Post by aktkglfh »

i found original darc file and ecd! and update that file.

but, I do not have reverse engineering skills and I want to get help.
