Star Wars Battlefront (EA) - .CAS .CAT

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Star Wars Battlefront (EA) - .CAS .CAT

Post by MasterMinya »

Hello! I'm interested in extracting files from the .CAS files to edit the files and reimport them. However, I get this upon extraction when using

Code: Select all

  offset   filesize   filename
- enter in folder D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32
  coverage file 0     0%   0          6159
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\characters.TOC
- enter in folder D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32
  coverage file 0    99%   6125       6159
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\characters.SB
  scan game's directory for the CAT files, wait patiently...

- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\installation\extracontent_01\
  coverage file 1    59%   12172      20452
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\installation\initialexperience\
  coverage file 1    58%   322348     551608
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\installation\mp\
  coverage file 1    40%   126364     311404
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\installation\sp\
  coverage file 1    47%   346288     725368
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\xp0\xp0\
  coverage file 1    36%   7456       20416
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\xp1\xp1\
  coverage file 1    24%   36940      148480
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\xp2\xp2\
  coverage file 1    35%   56092      156172
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\xp3\xp3\
  coverage file 1    31%   17572      55912
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\xp_offline\xp_offline\
  26535 total files indexed

  Error: hash 526367096c85271fe43578bfac04a8815f2b9a32 not found in the database

  coverage file 1    34%   30388      87388
- open input file D:\Games\STAR WARS Battlefront\Patch\Win32\installation\sp\cas_-801060276.cas

- error in src\file.c line 243: fdnum_open()
Error: No such file or directory

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
  264 open "." TMP 1

Press ENTER or close the window to quit


EDIT: I'll upload a file sample if anyone is interested.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront (EA) - .CAS .CAT

Post by aluigi »

Currently there is no development for that script.
This is the only solution working with FIFA17 cas/cat at the moment, maybe it works with this game too: