Exestringz strange error

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Exestringz strange error

Post by raulpuro »


I'm having problems with exestringz, the application extracts the texts perfectly, but some texts can not be modified.

Some texts are a headache, I can not increase the size of the phrases, if it increases its size the phrases is cut and if I reduce the size of the phrases, the game returns me to the desktop, it is as if they were constant and not outside Possible to change its size.

These are some phrases that give the error mentioned.

Code: Select all






This text can not increase its size to more than 3 letters, but if I decrease it to 2 it does not give an error.

Code: Select all


This text can increase one more letter, I can put 8 letters, but it does not accept more letters.

Code: Select all


The problem is that decreasing the size in some sentences produces an error, it is a long and random game, it is not possible to test all the texts, at any moment it can fail and not be able to continue playing.

I do not know if they follow any pattern and it is possible to solve the problem.

I would appreciate it if you could look at it.

Greeting and merry christmas.
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Re: Exestringz strange error

Post by aluigi »

Currently I can't check it but it's really very strange.
Maybe it's possible that the executable doesn't use only the pointer to the string or the values collected by exestringz are part of a more complex structure.
As far as I remember exestringz reuses the same original space if the edited string is smaller than the original in which case there should be no errors if yours is shorter, but probably I don't remember correctly.
The bad news is that in any case there will be no updates for the tool, it worked perfectly for the jobs other users and I did in the past and probably this one is just one of those rare cases in which it can't be adopted for some technical reasons.
Just guessing, sorry.
Posts: 62
Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:31 pm

Re: Exestringz strange error

Post by raulpuro »


Thanks for replying, it is very strange, it may be an old tool, but I use a lot of its tool, it has made things much easier for me to translate and I never had this problem, I had never failed to make the texts longer or shorter.

The strange thing is that they are copying correctly in the new .exe, has no logic, some texts around work well and many others do not.

In the executable I have seen

"Copyright 1989-1995 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved
Patent No. 5,051,745
PKWARE Data Compression Library Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
Version 1.11"

I have tried running exestring on windows xp and I have looked at the exestringz code out of curiosity because I do not understand almost anything XD, Well, it seems that the solution is more complicated than I thought.
