F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Post by aluigi »

Another variant of the KPX/XPK format, this time version 2 (the latest of which I'm aware):

It's identical to XPK1 (http://aluigi.org/bms/angry_birds_go.bms) except for the starting offset of the information which is 20 and the CRC is ever at zero.
I don't know if there are compressed files because my sample didn't have them.
It's hard to believe that 4 bytes of offset are the only difference between two versions, in case of problems just post here:)
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Re: F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Post by LolHacksRule »

Got this error when extracting ABGO v1.12.0 and v1.13.9 OBB (Android) files, it is for sure the second revision of XGSPAK (the meaning of XPK2) for sure via hex data, but the script is refusing to extract both of them. I get this error for v1.12.0:

Code: Select all

  offset   filesize   filename
  0000084c 17723471   data\effects.pak
  010e789c 978728     data\envobjects.pak
  011d67c4 188566480  data\screens.pak
  0c5ab394 1247416    data\smackables.pak
  0c6dbc4c 2700       data\store.pak
  0c6dc6d8 240        data\analytics\eligo.xml
  0c6dc7c8 224750     data\cars\carspec.pak
  0c7135b8 14005436   data\cars\telepod\cartextures.pak
  0d46ea74 7956008    data\cars\theme002\cargeom.pak
  0dc0509c 20108168   data\cars\theme002\cartextures.pak
  0ef32424 19779820   data\characters\animation.pak
  1020f510 3812588    data\characters\models.pak
  105b21fc 2721836    data\environments\theme002\models.pak
  1084aa28 13388944   data\environments\theme002\tracks\run000\track.stm

Error: incomplete input file 0: main.280.com.rovio.angrybirdsgo.obb
       Can't read 259784 bytes from offset 114cfff0.
       Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written
       to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it
       or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted.
       Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.

  coverage file 0   100%   290258928  290258928  . offset 114cfff0

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:

And this for v1.13.9:

Code: Select all

  offset   filesize   filename
  0000089c 17723691   data\effects.pak
  010e79c8 978868     data\envobjects.pak
  011d697c 188562984  data\screens.pak
  0c5aa7a4 3796       data\store.pak
  0c5ab678 232        data\analytics\eligo.xml
  0c5ab760 6195664    data\cars\telepod\cargeom.pak
  0cb94130 14005436   data\cars\telepod\cartextures.pak

Error: incomplete input file 0: main.11309.com.rovio.angrybirdsgo.obb
       Can't read 110832 bytes from offset 0d079040.
       Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written
       to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it
       or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted.
       Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.

  coverage file 0   100%   218599489  218599488  . offset 0d079040

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:

Some PAKs so far like data/cars/telepod/cartextures.pak extracted from the OBB currently also get errors like:

Code: Select all

  offset   filesize   filename
  0000062c 699096     ab_bs_optimusenergon.xgt
  000ab104 699096     abk_black kart colour_blackfriday.xgt
  00155bdc 699096     abk_bluebird kart colour_levelfive.xgt
  002006b4 699096     abk_green kart colour_levelfive.xgt
  002ab18c 699096     abk_halbuggy_upgrade5.xgt
  00355c64 699096     abk_helmetpig kart colour_levelfive.xgt
  0040073c 699096     abk_moustache kart colour_levelthree.xgt

Error: incomplete input file 0: data\cars\telepod\cartextures.pak
       Can't read 1852 bytes from offset 00480000.
       Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written
       to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it
       or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted.
       Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.

  coverage file 0   100%   4718614    4718592    . offset 00480000

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:

Will the script be fixed for these specific files? Thanks so much.
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Re: F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Post by LolHacksRule »

Anything? This is the last of the OBBs to decompress.
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Re: F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Post by LolHacksRule »

Hate having to rebump, but nothing is currently happening... Please respond as soon as you can and I will be forever grateful.
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Re: F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Post by aluigi »

The script is correct.
I just checked the offsets and relative sizes, all perfect, and there is no compression used since ZIP and ZSIZE are just zeroes.
If your file is 0x114cfff0 bytes big and the last file is located at offset 0x12ac8a38 there is clearly something wrong in your file (don't know why).
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Re: F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Post by LolHacksRule »

Funny... Guess I'll redownload them, that error also happened when I didn't cut the files. Yep, the filesize of 280 I have is 283456kb compared to the original file 305956kb, extracted fine too. Can't really find 11309's OBB online...
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Re: F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Post by LolHacksRule »

The scripts fail to extract these 10 files (FTC? IDK what it means) in this XGSPAK v1 file on this page of the forum viewtopic.php?f=9&t=13116. Can you update v1 of the script (ABGO) to properly extract this file?
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Re: F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Post by aluigi »

Please don't mix topics here.
This topic is for XPK2 (the script perfectly work) while that topic you linked is for XPK1.
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Re: F1 2016 obb (2KPX/XPK2)

Post by LolHacksRule »

Oh sorry, I'll link to XPK1 next time if I have to