QuickBMS stalling?

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QuickBMS stalling?

Post by nukedpiggy »

I've been trying to run QuickBMS with Java. I gave it the proper arguments, then it starts and does a tiny fraction of the work. However the process is still running after referring to the Task Manager. Also it seems QuickBMS starts again after the java program has been terminated.

Os: Windows 10 32 bit
QuickBMS:quickbms 0.7.6a
Script and version:kiwad 0.1.3
"C:\Users\name\IdeaProjects\Auto Extractor\quickbms.exe"
"C:\Users\name\IdeaProjects\Auto Extractor\script.BMS"
"C:\Users\name\IdeaProjects\Auto Extractor\_Shared-WorldData-Live-wizard.wad"
"C:\Users\name\IdeaProjects\Auto Extractor\Files\wizard\2016\11\30-Live"
Invoking Command:
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(fill); (errors are dealt with and fill is an array with the pervious arguements)
URL of .wad:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1dYo1 ... sp=sharing
Task Manager Screenshot:
What the extracted file should have looked like verus what I got:
Complete source code:
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Re: QuickBMS stalling?

Post by aluigi »

I bet the reason is the following:
- The following output file already exists:
Do you want to overwrite it?
y = overwrite (you can use also the 'o' key)
n = skip (default, just press ENTER)
a = overwrite all the files without asking
r = automatically rename the files with the same name
s = skip all the existent files without asking

If you can't see this message it means you don't have a real-time visualization ("flushed") of the output of quickbms.

Luckily the solution is very simple:
- option -o if you want to overwrite the files
- option -k if you want to not overwrite the files and ignore the duplicates

The option for automatically renaming the duplicate files is not available at command-line, maybe I will add it.