Repacking .psarc file

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Repacking .psarc file

Post by tnpj »

Aluigi's brink script was excellent at unpacking the .psarc I am working with. But now I want to repack the folders/files back into a .psarc. How do I go about doing this? Thank you.
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Re: Repacking .psarc file

Post by aluigi »

The script can't be used for reimporting.
I don't know if someone else has "alternative" solutions.
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Re: Repacking .psarc file

Post by tnpj »

Damn... Well, thanks anyway, aluigi! You've been a great help with everything! :)
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Re: Repacking .psarc file

Post by chrrox »

"alternative" solutions
might involve searching google for

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PS3 SDK's + PS3 DECR FW's by XxZer0ModZxX

that "might" contain the official psarc.exe
that "might" be able to create psarc files.
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Re: Repacking .psarc file

Post by aluigi »

Is it a "might" like "*cough* 'might' work *cough* :D" or "maybe it might work :(" ?
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Re: Repacking .psarc file

Post by chrrox »

this "*cough* 'might' be the output of the "supposed" psarc.exe
and it "*cough* 'might' be in this directory

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         psarc verb [options] [file...]
         psarc --xml=XMLFILE

  create     Create an archive. (default)
  extract    Extract contents of an existing archive.
  list       List contents of an existing archive.
  dump       Print detailed info about archive for unit testing.
  verify     Verify an existing archive's structural integrity and
             ensure that all files can be decompressed.
  dtd        Display a DTD describing psarc's XML input syntax.

general options:
  -h, --help             Show this help message and exit.
      --version          Display version and exit.
  -d, --debug            Debug: Show debug messages.
  -v, --verbose          Verbose: Show additional progress. (default)
  -q, --quiet            Quiet: Don't show any progress.
  -y, --overwrite        Overwrite existing files when creating/extracting.
  --xml=XMLFILE          XML list of actions to perform.

create options:
  -oFILE, --output=FILE  Archive filename to create.
                         Inputfile listing files to archive. Consider
                         --xml instead, which gives you more control.
  -m, --mself            Create a PSARC-MSELF hybrid file for PS3, which can contain
                          encrypted special files like SDATA, SPRX, and SPU SELF.

  --zlib                 Use zlib when compressing. (default)
  --lzma                 Use LZMA when compressing. (usually for PS3 PSN)
  --level=N              Compression quality. 1 is fastest, 9 is best. (default = 9)
  -N, --nocompress       Store all files uncompressed in the archive.
  -bBS, --blocksize=BS   Use blocks of size BS. (default = 64KiB)
  -jJOBS, --jobs=JOBS    Compression threads to run at a time. (default = number of CPUs)

  -sREGEX, --strip=REGEX Perl-compatible regex specifying a prefix to strip
                         from the pathnames stored in the archive. This may be
                         specified more than once. (default = current dir)
  -S, --strip-all        Strip all paths from files stored in the archive.
  -a, --absolute         Make the paths within the archive absolute.
  -R, --relative         Make the paths within the archive relative. (default)
  -i, --ignorecase       Make the archive directory case-insensitive.
  --exclude=WILDCARD     Wildcard specifying files to exclude.
  --skip-missing-files   If set then ignore it when a file cannot be found.
  --mergedups            Compare the content of all files, and merge identical
                         files so that only one copy of the data is included.

extract options:
  --input=FILE           Archive to extract files from. (default is first file argument)
  --to=DIRECTORY         Directory to write extracted files to. (default is current directory)
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Re: Repacking .psarc file

Post by GarryOlsen »

[quote="chrrox"]this "*cough* 'might' be the output of the "supposed" psarc.exe
and it "*cough* 'might' be in this directory

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Do you by any chance know of a mirror for this *cough* supposed *cough* SDK, not that it exists of course, since all the *cough* hypothetical *cough* links in the theoretical source post are dead

EDIT: Nevermind I'm a numpty, found it.