The Hobbit (PC) - Unknown Audio Format

Codecs, formats, encoding/decoding of game audio, video and music
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The Hobbit (PC) - Unknown Audio Format

Post by Schneider »

Hello! I'm trying to extract the audio from this game.

Now, this game seems to use the same .audiopkg used in Area 51, which was made by the same studio.
I was able to extract those files from the .000 archive using watto game extractor.

This is where the the games differ, though: Whereas the Area-51 audio packages contain either mp3 or raw pcm audio,
both of which can be easily imported into audacity, the PC version of the Hobbit uses a format which can't, at least not that I can see.

Does anyone have an idea which audio audio format this could be and/or a program that can read it?

Two tidbits I think I do know:
- The game uses Miles Sound System. (mss32.dll can be found in the game's directory and MSS is referenced on the box.)
- Importing the raw data into Audacity using the VOX ADPCM codec results in something resembling­­
the in-game audio, if you turn down the volume and ignore the massive amount of noise.­

Edit: Forgot to add a sample. Fixed now.
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Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:23 am

Re: The Hobbit (PC) - Unknown Audio Format

Post by YoYoCoruscant »

Wish somebody knew how to do this.

Here are some scripts attached gotten from and quickbms sites. The wiki site is no longer up though since it's missing it's subscription. But there is an info file. The audio script does not work (produces broken mp3 files but it might be useful to somebody who can fix it).