hrs0_main0_def.fmdl model must be in the same dir, tool needs it for bones. fmdl_dictionary.txt has all known horse bones, 2 bone names are still used as hashes
leg IK: - IK_TARGET_ ... bones are targets for nails (position+rotation) - IK_pole_ ... (pole vectors) must be applied somehow
There is one additional rotation for each leg, thats supposed to set feet rotation, these are not extracted, because I don't know how to apply them.
Sorry for the silly question, but how do I get the SMD file of the model and skeleton into blender? I have the fmld file and I have the animation smd but I can only import that smd SKELETON animation, I don't have the smd model and skeleton which is in daemons blender scene before he imports the SMD animation from cmd.
The tool is working great, but I can't seem to figure how we get the model and skeleton smd before we import the cmd smd animation file into blender onto the skin mesh as per daemon's tutorial here -