Xbox360 HDD Device ID

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Bigg Boss93
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Xbox360 HDD Device ID

Post by Bigg Boss93 »

few days ago i was transfering some game updates from my pc to xbox' hdd(official jasper 60gb) and when i attached the hdd back to console i discovered it wasnt recognized anymore.

I made a lot of research and at some point, following a tutorial, i formatted the hdd to dump a file called HDDSS.BIN(which basically is the file that define the format of the hdd) and when i finished the process i saw the xbox was still not recognizing it, further research made me discover that i should've made a my own HDDSS.BIN with my hdd data(something i didnt, unfortunately ) which most probably would have let me recover the hdd.

In short, i found a HDDSS.BIN file of the same model of my hdd which only difference was on the serial, i fixed it using a hex editor and dumped to my hdd but still no result, then i downloaded a program called FATXplorer(link below) that shown me why it wasnt recognized, it kept the Device ID of the HDDSS.BIN i downloaded which(according to what FATXplorer says) is calculated on the serial/infos of the hdd from where it has been ripped.

What i would like to know if there is any way to, using the data from different hdds, recalculate my hdd's original id, which would allow me to fix it and be able to use the xbox and not keep both xbox and hdd as a paperweight. :cry:

Below few pics with the whole data from different HDDSS.bin files(screenshots made from the different HDDSS.BIN i found on the net).


FATXplorer official site ->

PS: My hdd is a TOSHIBA MK6052GSX as the one in the last picture, basically something that is more unique than rare(i found only 3 results in the whole net of people with this hdd stock in their boxes), i hope you'll be able to help me in some way, thanks.

- BB93

PPS: Ok nevermind, i believe the Device ID is calculated automatically by that tool, i have no idea of why it isnt working then. It(FATXplorer) keep giving me this error: "HDD Security Sector Status: The Security Sector you are using with this HDD is not cryptographically valid. This storage device is not usable on a norma, unmodified Xbox 360 console.", not sure if you can help me about this anyway i'll look forward for an answer.
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Re: Xbox360 HDD Device ID

Post by aluigi »

Just my personal opinion considered that I never worked on x360 and based also on the message you received: it's highly probable that the file is signed so if you modify it you invalidate the original signature.
In cryptography the signature is calculated with a private key (that only Microsoft has) and is verified by a public one (that anyone has), so you cannot recalculate the signature by yourself.
Bigg Boss93
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Re: Xbox360 HDD Device ID

Post by Bigg Boss93 »

I tried contacting the guy who made that tool(FATXplorer) and gave me sorta the same answer, tho he gave me an idea which i'm not sure on how and if i can realize.

He told me that the program HDDHackr(dos program meant to push HDDSS.bin files) is meant to work only with some Western Digital HDDs, which i knew already, but he added that the program should change HDD's physical serial number(not volume number) in accordance with the one of the new HDDSS.bin.

So i was thinking this, there's any way to edit my HDD's serial to fit the one from the HDDSS.bin file i found(which comes from the same model and firmware version of my hdd but with different serial)?

If so how i could do it?

On the net i only found tons of programs meant to edit the Volume Serial, which has nothing to do with the Physical one.

Sorry for all these noobish questions but i would really like to solve this problem the less painfully possible since i cant buy a new hdd for my xbox which means that i will not be able to use it anymore.

Thank you again for allowing me to use of a bit of your time and knowledge.

- BB93
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Re: Xbox360 HDD Device ID

Post by Wulf »

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Re: Xbox360 HDD Device ID

Post by aluigi »

The only tool that comes in my mind is hddparm on Linux but I have my doubts.
Bigg Boss93
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Re: Xbox360 HDD Device ID

Post by Bigg Boss93 »

Hello again

@Wulf: Those tools changes only the Volume ID/Serial, which is not the same thing as Physical one. Thanks anyways.

.: I checked that program, it is able only to read the serial, anyways i found out that it can be changed coonnecting the HDD using a RS232 to TTL Adapter.
I will try this solution as soon as possible and let you know if i got it working.
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Re: Xbox360 HDD Device ID

Post by lllccc »

(if i read this right)
if i remeber you have to use ... into-fatx/ download the .bin file to your size of your hdd
here is a video to help

i hope that helps if not sorry XD