
Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:26 pm


Post by Apoliener »


I would like to ask about advice of this old game. I made translation and would love to play with subtitles, but there is a little problem, kind a missing option for Text+Speech (but seems like was there planning). Theruler made a patch what works only for short sentences, because when its longer there is the skip button which is the same for text and speech (spacebar or mouse left).

Just if someone had idea, please let me know, I would even try learn something myself for this, but I am almost on zero, so its hard even know right path...

Gog - speech + text ... ech_option

Patch - speech + text

Full game ... Ew2cTJQcTA


"Sorry Apoliner, problem is still unresolved. I've lost some time now to find an alternative and I think, since the skip button is the same for text and speech (spacebar or mouse left) the best option would be to extract all the text and remove the Break character that split the text in parts. I am not aware of pak extractor, try to google for it. If does not exist some one should bild it. Unfortunately I havn't the knowledge to build one myself."