convert next line 0a to 0d0a when extarcting

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convert next line 0a to 0d0a when extarcting

Post by happydance »

Im still new at this and trying to make a text extraction script. I think this text is shift jis and using 0a as a next line

How can i include in the script that it will change 0a to 0d0a when extracting the text?

Tried changing the codepage and didnt work for me or doing it wrong.
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Re: convert next line 0a to 0d0a when extarcting

Post by aluigi »

Extraction is an exact 1:1 dump of the dump "as-is" so you can't perform customizations.
The Slog command used for translations instead extracts the data directly with the carriage-return/line-feed combo (the so called "DOS/MAC format") but it's a different thing.

Anyway why you care about that? Almost all the text editors handle the LF and CRLF new lines without problems.
So the solution is... change your text editor :D
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Re: convert next line 0a to 0d0a when extarcting

Post by happydance »

yeah just noticed that only notepad has a problem with those 0a, notepad++, excel and even word handles them perfectly.

will change my default txt application to notepad++, thanks!