LEGO Worlds/LEGO Star Wars: TFA - .DAT

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Re: LEGO Worlds/LEGO Star Wars: TFA - .DAT

Post by aluigi »

In fact the script you are using is the old one...
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Re: LEGO Worlds/LEGO Star Wars: TFA - .DAT

Post by AnonBaiter »

Huh? What do yo- (checks script)
Ahh sheet I should have noticed earlier!
Time to update the script.

EDIT: Okay, it works now!
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Re: LEGO Worlds/LEGO Star Wars: TFA - .DAT

Post by aluigi »

Don't worry, it happens :)
If you are curious about how I understood that your script was old, well, the 0.9.2 one uses the NEW_FORMAT_VER field that you didn't have in the log you provided.