Epic's Paragon - .pak and .uasset files

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Joined: Thu May 19, 2016 8:15 pm

Epic's Paragon - .pak and .uasset files

Post by mr_murp »

Hey guys,

Hopefully this is the correct forum. I'm having a little trouble extracting data from Epic's Paragon game. I can successfully extract everything in the .pak file using UnrealPak.exe, but all the .uasset files i try to import into the engine come up with an error saying they are corrupted. And if i try opening the .uproject file directly, the editor fails to load it, saying the .dll files for the project need to be recompiled.

Was wondering if anyone might have any insight on this?

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Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:15 am

Re: Epic's Paragon - .pak and .uasset files

Post by Phexlar »


I'm at the same situation, I can unpack the files that appear as .uasset and .ubulk and able to get Unreal Engine 4 to see the files once I copy the .uasset/folders to the Unreal Engine 4 project I'm using. But when I try to view the files such as textures nothing happens (no preview window) and when I click on meshes I get instant program close.