Berwick Saga (PS2) (SLPS-25497) .DAT

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Berwick Saga (PS2) (SLPS-25497) .DAT

Post by Lightgazer »

I'm trying to translate a game(at least menu).
so I want to extract DATAX.DAT files. Can anyone help me?

samples: ... TA0.DAT.7z ... /DATA5.DAT

Files on game iso:

Code: Select all

[lightgazer@localhost unpack]$ tree -h
├── [ 1.0G]  DATA0.DAT
├── [ 1.0G]  DATA1.DAT
├── [ 1.0G]  DATA2.DAT
├── [ 1.0G]  DATA3.DAT
├── [  44K]  DATA4.DAT
├── [ 344K]  DATA5.DAT
├── [ 4.0K]  MODULES
│   └── [ 259K]  IOPRP250.IMG
├── [ 4.4M]  SLPS_254.97
└── [   57]  SYSTEM.CNF

1 directory, 9 files
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Re: Berwick Saga (PS2) (SLPS-25497) .DAT

Post by aluigi »

data0.dat is clearly a raw container without information, and the data in it is a bit "weird" (maybe are raw 8bit images?).
data5.dat instead seems to have a format:

Probably the information about the data0->3 are in the executable or, I doubt, in IOPRP250.IMG.