help needed - tga un-swizzle - from xbox original RTCW Tides of War

Textures, recreate headers, conversions, algorithms and parsing of image files
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help needed - tga un-swizzle - from xbox original RTCW Tides of War

Post by Caesar007 »

if anyone can help, that will be great.

in attachment:
1. texture file from PC version of RTCW
2. texture file from Xbox version of RTCW without tga file header, as it stored in cachemap file container
3. part of file table, that contains data, needed for tga file header recreation

the texture in Xbox is 2 times smaller, but swizzle (tiling) is used.

please, help to understand, how to convert tga texture from xbox to pc format.


update 08.05.2016
here the file with last discoveries ... n-progress
I need help in this:
1. TGA - under swizzling (tiling) - possible Morton order;
2. write complete unpacker for cachemap container based on my finding.

payment - 50$ over PayPal
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Re: help needed - tga un-swizzle - from xbox original RTCW Tides of War

Post by Eugeny »


from me another 50$
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[Xbox] Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War (hex/tga)

Post by Acewell »

not sure how i missed this thread and your filedropper link is expired so i don't know what that was.
i don't want your money or anything but here is Noesis python script to open the .hex/.tga sample pair :)

supports rgba32 morton swizzled

open the "flare5.tga_header.hex" file and it will grab the format/width/height info to display the
texture data stored in the "flare5_xbox_without_header.tga" file if they are next to each other.
looks like these files are custom named so i wouldn't count on it working for other samples just yet,
it usually takes more than one sample to make a proper script. :)