Rebuilding a TellTale Games scene within 3ds Max

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
Super Ninja Fat
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri May 06, 2016 1:09 am

Rebuilding a TellTale Games scene within 3ds Max

Post by Super Ninja Fat »

I'm starting to make animations in Source Filmmaker of some voice overs of Sam and Max comics, and want to use locations from Telltale's Sam & Max Season One, such as the office. I've already tried using 3d Ripper DX to rip a full scene of the office from the game and gave up in favor of this approach: I am using RandomTBush's Telltale Almost-All-In-One Model Importer to take extracted models (in .d3dmesh and .skl format) and put them into 3ds max.
Since the office is rendered out of several models, I have to piece the scene together myself. However, a friend told me that it might be possible to find a file in the game that places these models in their correct places.

Can someone help me do this? I'm new to messing around with TellTale's files/using 3ds max, so any kind of pointers would be appreciated.