FS Unity *.unity3d Packages

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FS Unity *.unity3d Packages

Post by Anexenaumoon »

Hey all, and before I start, yes I have looked for this all over. (and probably missed something obvious.) I was wondering, if anyone could help me into looking at this bundle. I haven't been able to find any info on the extraction of the bundle. It's not a standard Unity Web Player File, but, a unity3d bundle with a "UnityFS" tag. Any info on extracting this into the assets would be useful. Thanks!
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Re: FS Unity *.unity3d Packages

Post by Savage »

UnityFS 5.x.x 5.3.2p3

I have another game with that label and they changed the "UnityWeb" too , can't extract with the bms script
UnityWeb 5.x.x 5.3.4p1

Here is the example (900kb's)
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Re: FS Unity *.unity3d Packages