Multiple Requirements $550

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Multiple Requirements $550

Post by haibane »

Thanks luig guidelines.

The following items will be using paypal we paid.

1: $ 200
    Requirements: We are looking for a man who can creat "Blackdesert" repack tools. Third party clothing This tool will be used for the production of the black desert MOD. At the same time, we want to use this tool we can repackage translated text into the game. Thereby protecting our text. We hope tools allow apparel maps and translated text effect.

2: $ 200
    Requirements: We are looking for the "Tree of Savior" unpack and repack tool for the production of clothing mod, and protect our translated text.

3: $ 150
    Requirements: We need a Blad & Soul re-packaging tools for the production of BNS clothing mod. In this case where we have finished bns clients unpack and organize file structure.

If there are more tools capable person, please contact me.

My mail is