Dragon 《倚天屠龙记》

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
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Dragon 《倚天屠龙记》

Post by CriticalError »


Web: http://yt.wanmei.com/

Hello guys, well today I come with this asian MMORGP got very rarely format, I got a different files like xml, xap, so well maybe somebody can take a look into files? many thanks and hope somebody can look into files.


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Re: Dragon 《倚天屠龙记》

Post by aluigi »

What's strange in dds and xml files? :)

Anyway xap seems references to the dds files, with a hex editor you can see the unicode names of the dds.
act are probably something regarding animations, there are just 32bit signed numbers.