GFXtract is a script-powered graphics converter, like a kind of "QuickBMS for graphics". I've been working on it recently and the first usable version is done.
Similar to QuickBMS, people can write scripts that have instructions on how to read a file format. The syntax is extremely similar to BMS scripts, obviously give or take certain commands.
The usage is also similar. You can double-click for a minimal GUI, or use the command line:
Code: Select all
Usage: GFXtract <script> <inFile> [outDir]
script - The .gsl script containing the instructions for converting.
inFile - The file to convert. Can also be a directory containing the files to convert.
outDir - Optional, the directory to place the converted files in. If omitted, the directory of the input files is used.
I'll most likely add extra command line options if they are requested or I think of them.
You can download it on GitHub, as well as view or download the source code. It's written in Haxe and compiled for Neko (although it should also work for the C++ target).
You can view my scripts here.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to put them here. Enjoy