Bright Shadow/Eclipse War/Holy Beast/N.E.O. mmo

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Bright Shadow/Eclipse War/Holy Beast/N.E.O. mmo

Post by Amagakuro »

Didn't want to "spam" the board. 3 of these shutted down, eclipse seems to be freezed, so there's no risk of game compression changing.

Bright Shadow .pak (should be gamebryo engine)

Eclipse War .ewp/.ewd (gamebryo engine)

Holy Beast .pak/zip (Gamebryo)
Problem with this zip is that there's a password, and i can't analize (didn't get result, but maybe it's me nub) the launcher since there's no longer an active server to dld files and do the trick, is there any other way you can extract the password? I'll just leave 2 lil files here in case you know other mystical ways.

N.E.O. (New Era Online) .pck
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Re: Bright Shadow/Eclipse War/Holy Beast/N.E.O. mmo

Post by aluigi »

My suggestion is ever to open a topic for each game, or the result will be just confusion.

Eclipse War:

offzip -a

Bright Shadow:
use a file ripper on those PAK

Holy Beast:
Please upload all the executables and dlls.
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Re: Bright Shadow/Eclipse War/Holy Beast/N.E.O. mmo

Post by Amagakuro »

Thanks aluigi and oke, i'll be sure to make a thread for each game in case i'll ever need to post so many games together :)

Holy Beast dll and exes:

Eclipse War:
i'm getting this error when extracting certain files, it's preventing me to get all the textures
Here's one of the file giving me the error:

offzip works for certain files but not others, i'm getting a "it's not a zip format" error, i tried with -z +- 15 as the program suggested me but no success at all.
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Re: Bright Shadow/Eclipse War/Holy Beast/N.E.O. mmo

Post by aluigi »

Eclipse War updated to version 0.1.1

Holy Beast (the password is generated for each filename):

The NEO file seems encrypted, probably some archives are encrypted and others aren't.