if (heapSize < 20000000) then
heapSize = 200000000
fname = getOpenFileName \
caption:"R2 Model File" \
types:"R2 Model File(*.rmb)|*.rmb" \
historyCategory:"R2 Object Presets"
f = fopen fname "rb"
fn PrintOffset Var =
local Var = Var
print ("This is the offset 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)
fn PrintCount Var =
local Var = Var
print ("This is the Count 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)
fn Readword fstream = (
return readshort fstream #unsigned
fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen =
local str = ""
for i = 1 to fixedLen do
str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)
struct Mesh_Info_Struct
struct bone_Info_Struct
struct weight_Info_Struct
struct weight_data
fseek f 0x14 #seek_set
texture_count = readlong f
mesh_count = readlong f
bone_count = readlong f
mesh_offset = readlong f
for a = 1 to texture_count do (
texname = readstring f
fseek f (0x103 - texname.count)#seek_cur
meditMaterials[1] = Standardmaterial ()
meditMaterials[1].diffuseMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:texname
print texname
printoffset (ftell f)
Mesh_Info_Array = #()
for a = 1 to mesh_count do (
null1 = readlong f
null2 = readlong f
name1 = readstring f
fseek f (0x3F - name1.count)#seek_cur
name2 = readstring f
fseek f (0x3F - name2.count)#seek_cur
type1 = readlong f
type2= readlong f
type3 = readlong f
vertcount = readlong f
facecount = readlong f
fseek f 0x4B0 #seek_cur
facecount2 = readlong f
fseek f 0x18C #seek_cur
vertcount = readlong f
fseek f 0x18C #seek_cur
append Mesh_Info_Array (Mesh_Info_Struct name1:name1 name2:name2 type1:type1 type2:type2 type3:type3 vertcount:vertcount facecount:facecount)
printoffset (ftell f)
BNArr = #()
for a = 1 to bone_count do (
boneID = readlong f
BoneParentID = readlong f
unk04 = readlong f
unk05 = readlong f
fseek f 0x4C #seek_cur
bone_name = ReadFixedString f 0x40
bone_parent_name = ReadFixedString f 0x40
m11 = readfloat f; m12 = readfloat f; m13 = readfloat f; m14 = readfloat f
m21 = readfloat f; m22 = readfloat f; m23 = readfloat f; m24 = readfloat f
m31 = readfloat f; m32 = readfloat f; m33 = readfloat f; m34 = readfloat f
m41 = readfloat f; m42 = readfloat f; m43 = readfloat f; m44 = readfloat f
tfm = matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]
m11 = readfloat f; m12 = readfloat f; m13 = readfloat f; m14 = readfloat f
m21 = readfloat f; m22 = readfloat f; m23 = readfloat f; m24 = readfloat f
m31 = readfloat f; m32 = readfloat f; m33 = readfloat f; m34 = readfloat f
m41 = readfloat f; m42 = readfloat f; m43 = readfloat f; m44 = readfloat f
tfm2 = matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]
m11 = readfloat f; m12 = readfloat f; m13 = readfloat f; m14 = readfloat f
m21 = readfloat f; m22 = readfloat f; m23 = readfloat f; m24 = readfloat f
m31 = readfloat f; m32 = readfloat f; m33 = readfloat f; m34 = readfloat f
m41 = readfloat f; m42 = readfloat f; m43 = readfloat f; m44 = readfloat f
tfm3 = matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]
newBone = bonesys.createbone \
tfm.row4 \
(tfm.row4 + 0.01 * (normalize tfm.row1)) \
(normalize tfm.row3)
newBone.name = bone_name
newBone.width = 0.01
newBone.height = 0.01
newBone.transform = tfm2
newBone.setBoneEnable false 0
newBone.wirecolor = yellow
newbone.showlinks = true
newBone.pos.controller = TCB_position ()
newBone.rotation.controller = TCB_rotation ()
if (BoneParentID != -1) then
newBone.parent = BNArr[BoneParentID + 1]
append BNArr newBone
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to mesh_count Do (
Vert_array = #()
Normal_array = #()
UV_array = #()
Face_array = #()
BonePallet_array = #()
Weight_array = #()
WeightID_array = #()
BoneID_array = #()
used_id_array = #()
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].type3 Do (
BonePallet = (readbyte f#unsigned) + 1
append BonePallet_array BonePallet
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
vx = readfloat f
vy = readfloat f
vz = readfloat f
append Vert_array [vx,vy,vz]
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
nx = readfloat f
ny = readfloat f
nz = readfloat f
append Normal_array [nx,ny,nz]
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
tu = readfloat f
tv = readfloat f * -1
append UV_array [tu,tv,0]
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
ix = readfloat f
iy = readfloat f
iz = readfloat f
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
ux = readfloat f
uy = readfloat f
uz = readfloat f
printoffset (ftell f)
if Mesh_Info_Array[a].type1 != 0 Do (
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
w1 = readfloat f
w2 = readfloat f
w3 = readfloat f
w4 = readfloat f
append WeightID_array (weight_Info_Struct w1:w1 w2:w2 w3:w3 w4:w4)
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
b1 = readbyte f#unsigned
b2 = readbyte f#unsigned
b3 = readbyte f#unsigned
b4 = readbyte f#unsigned
appendIfUnique used_id_array (b1 + 1)
appendIfUnique used_id_array (b2 + 1)
appendIfUnique used_id_array (b3 + 1)
appendIfUnique used_id_array (b4 + 1)
append BoneID_array (bone_Info_Struct b1:b1 b2:b2 b3:b3 b4:b4)
printoffset (ftell f)
for i = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount Do (
w = (weight_data boneids:#() weights:#())
maxweight = 0
if(WeightID_array[i].w1 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + WeightID_array[i].w1
if(WeightID_array[i].w2 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + WeightID_array[i].w2
if(WeightID_array[i].w3 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + WeightID_array[i].w3
if(WeightID_array[i].w4 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + WeightID_array[i].w4
if(maxweight != 0) then (
if(WeightID_array[i].w1 != 0) then (
append w.boneids (BoneID_array[i].b1 + 1)
append w.weights WeightID_array[i].w1
if(WeightID_array[i].w2 != 0) then (
append w.boneids (BoneID_array[i].b2 + 1)
append w.weights WeightID_array[i].w2
if(WeightID_array[i].w3 != 0) then (
append w.boneids (BoneID_array[i].b3 + 1)
append w.weights WeightID_array[i].w3
if(WeightID_array[i].w4 != 0) then (
append w.boneids (BoneID_array[i].b4 + 1)
append w.weights WeightID_array[i].w4
append Weight_array w
for b = 1 to ((Mesh_Info_Array[a].facecount) / 3) Do (
f1 = ((readshort f) + 1)
f2 = ((readshort f) + 1)
f3 = ((readshort f) + 1)
append Face_array [f1,f2,f3] --save faces to Face_array
printoffset (ftell f)
print BonePallet_array
msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array
msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count
buildTVFaces msh
if used_id_array.count != BonePallet_array.count Do (
for c = 1 to used_id_array.count Do (
appendIfUnique BonePallet_array used_id_array[c]
if BonePallet_array.count == 0 Do (
msh.transform = (getnodebyname Mesh_Info_Array[a].name2).transform
append BonePallet_array ((finditem BNArr (getnodebyname Mesh_Info_Array[a].name2)))
msh.material = meditMaterials[1]
msh.name = Mesh_Info_Array[a].name1
for j = 1 to UV_array.count do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]
for j = 1 to Face_array.count do setTVFace msh j Face_array[j]
for j = 1 to Normal_array.count do setNormal msh j Normal_array[j]
if BonePallet_array.count != 0 Do (
max modify mode
select msh
skinMod = skin ()
addModifier msh skinMod
for i = 1 to BonePallet_array.count do
maxbone = BNArr[(BonePallet_array[i])]
if i != BonePallet_array.count then
skinOps.addBone skinMod maxbone 0
skinOps.addBone skinMod maxbone 1
modPanel.setCurrentObject skinMod
for i = 1 to Weight_array.count do
w = Weight_array[i]
bi = #()
wv = #()
for j = 1 to w.boneids.count do
boneid = w.boneids[j]
weight = w.weights[j]
append bi boneid
append wv weight
skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights skinMod i bi wv
max create mode
fclose f