Resident Evil 4 (regular and HD) and 5 (mostly about DLC)

How to translate the files of a game
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Resident Evil 4 (regular and HD) and 5 (mostly about DLC)

Post by Delacroix »

So here's the deal. I've been scouring the internet for a time now, but mostly encountered threads regarding skin and model mods. These I'm not interested in, for obvious reasons, given where I'm putting up this here topic.

What I need to do is:

- open the files of Resident Evil 4 (regular version, original SourceNext port) in order to get the translation from there
- edit the proper files of Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition which is not translated to the language I'm dealing with here.
- translate the Gold Edition additions to Resident Evil 5 (base game is translated already)

What programs do I have to use? Which files am I interested in? Please advise!