importer/exporter for PS2 YOBJ model format

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importer/exporter for PS2 YOBJ model format

Post by eri619 »

There exist a script already which reads the model in blender made by marius schradek,but it doesn't export the edits back into the model.

I have attached a sample model file and a hex Workshop book mark file.All you have to do is open the model using Hex Workshop,then open the bookmarks file(yobj_bookmark.hbk)

and i have commented and bookmarked the offsets you need to make the exporter.

Functions i'm looking for in the exporter
1)Export the bones,u-v maps and modified mesh/vertex.
2)Function which allows to use objects from other yobj models.
3)Blender Script

Below i have attached the blender import script by Marius Schradek which is compatible with blender 2.4.9b