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Format: AXP
too leave source code of AXP Unpacker I found, is chinese tool, but the problem is only can unpack one file per time, is not possible select all of them, so maybe somebody can build it for unpack all files from one time?
APXUnpacker Source:
BMS Script:
#Dragon Oath AXP extractor
#quickbms script
#by Tsukihime
get idstring long
get unk1 long
get null long
get unk2 long
get offsetBlock long #this block gives the offsets and data sizes
get files long #includes the (list) block which holds all filenames and their data size
get unk3 long
get startOffset long #not important, but the data for first file starts here.
get unk4 long
goto offsetBlock
savepos offsetPtr
get folder basename
#get the (list) offset
math temp = files
math temp -= 1
math temp *= 12
math temp += offsetBlock
goto temp
get listOfs long
#go to the first filename
goto listOfs
goto 9 0 SEEK_CUR
savepos listPtr
findloc newline string "\n"
math newline += 1
goto newline
savepos listPtr
#list pointer is now set
for i = 0 < files
#======Get offset and size======
goto offsetBlock
get offset long
get size long
get unk long #always 0x0000008
savepos offsetBlock #remember where we are
#======Get Filename=============
#find the pipe character 0x7C
goto listPtr
findloc pipeOfs string "|"
#calculate string length
math stringlen = pipeOfs
math stringlen -= listPtr
#get the string name
getdstring name stringlen
#update position of list pointer
math listPtr = pipeOfs
math listPtr += 19
goto listPtr
#========save file===============
set outName = folder
string outName += "/"
string outName += name
log outName offset size
next i