The Black Mirror (2003) (a.k.a. Posel smrti) – data.adb

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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The Black Mirror (2003) (a.k.a. Posel smrti) – data.adb

Post by samuelGordon »

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help me.

I am having a hard time finding and exporting text files from The Black Mirror (2003) (a.k.a. Posel smrti), a Czech adventure game from Future Games.

I've tried using which should work on NiBiRu, a later game of theirs, and it works for the audio files found in the .grp archives in the game folder, but not for data.adb. I also used the NiBiRu utilities from Denis Oezmen @ with the same problem. Trying to export data.adb with these tools produces 15638 files of an unknown format with strange names:

Code: Select all

  00154561 110        111a.1623
  001545cf 24         111a.1623.162b
  001545e7 38         111a.1623.rp
  001514df 108        111a.1624
  0015155a 38         111a.1624.162c
  0015154b 15         111a.1624.a
  00157932 231        111a.1625
  0015609d 72         111a.1626
  001560e5 25         111a.1626.p
  00151580 106        111a.1627
  001515ea 22         111a.1627.a
  00151600 38         111a.1627.rp
  0015726f 92         111a.1628
  001572cb 17         111a.1628.p
  001572dc 38         111a.1628.r
  0015553a 231        111a.1629
  00155679 38         111a.1629.1093
  00155621 88         111a.1629.r
  0015569f 14         111a.1629.t
  001556ad 92         111a.1629.t1
  00155709 17         111a.1629.t1.ts
  0015571a 101        111a.1629.t2
  0015577f 17         111a.1629.t2.ts
  0015758f 94         111a.1640
  001575ed 22         111a.1640.p
  00157603 38         111a.1640.rp
  00154505 73         111a.164c
  0015454e 19         111a.164c.s
  00157629 76         111a.164d
  00157675 17         111a.164d.164e
  00157365 387        111a.164e
  0015753c 38         111a.164e.137b
  001574e8 20         111a.164e.p
  001574fc 64         111a.164e.r
  00157562 38         111a.164e.rp
  00157588 7          111a.164e.t
  00156e10 120        111a.r
  001570a5 38         111a.rin
  0012fe3d 890        111b
  00131ecb 111        111b.100f
  00131f45 15         111b.100f.15dc
  00131f3a 11         111b.100f.p
  00132b95 100        111b.1011
  00132bf9 20         111b.1011.a
  00132c0d 38         111b.1011.rp
  001305c4 1454       111b.1099
  00130cb1 38         111b.1099.1365
  00130d17 12         111b.1099.1376
  00130d0a 13         111b.1099.14da
  00130cfd 13         111b.1099.15c8
  00130b83 20         111b.1099.162b
  00130c8b 38         111b.1099.183a
  00130b97 10         111b.1099.183b
  00130ba1 10         111b.1099.183c
  00130bab 25         111b.1099.183d
  001a905d 24         main.1382.p
  001a9075 64         main.1382.r
  001a92b9 2103       main.1384
  001a9af0 11         main.1384.1385
  001a9afb 11         main.1384.1389
  001a9b06 11         main.1384.138a
  001a9b11 11         main.1384.138b
  001a9b1c 10         main.1384.s1
  001a9b26 10         main.1384.s2
  001a9b30 10         main.1384.s3
  001a90b5 24         main.1516
  001a90cd 23         main.1517
  001a7058 77         main.1ce8
  001a70a5 14         main.1ce8.p
  001a9beb 76         main.21c3
  001a9c37 13         main.21c3.p
  001a91c1 248        main.21e0
  001a70b3 20
  001a8b4e 19
  001b01c9 19         mc.105a
  0020dec6 21         sam.11e7
  0020dedb 21         sam.11e8
  0020def0 17         sam.11e9
  0020e869 38         sud.r
  0020edbb 45         t.1d79
  0020ede8 17         t.1d79.ts
  0020f175 38         ven.r
  0020fb97 38         z2.r

- 15638 files found in 32 seconds
  coverage file 0   100%   2169482    2169482    . offset 00098b84

Press ENTER or close the window to quit
I have to admit I have a very hard time understanding how these tools work but should be able to follow instructions. If it helps, I've spent tens of hours transcribing the German version from a Let's Play, so I have several thousands of strings that should be present in the German version (but some of these strings may be slightly different, I remember correcting typos and adding or changing punctuation, and I may have made some typos of my own while transcribing). My ultimate goal for the export is to use the game subtitles paired with the (successfully exported) game recordings for language learning.

I'll attach the English data.adb to this post. Because the extension .adb is not allowed, I renamed the file to data.txt.
Once again, thank you very much for taking time out of your day to help me.