Star Trek Away Team fonts .seq16 .fmt16

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Star Trek Away Team fonts .seq16 .fmt16

Post by Slappy »


Can anyone help me with fonts from Star Trek Away Team game (Commandos style) in .seq16 / .fmt16 format? I need to convert them to some editable bitmap and back.

This is a Reflexive game on the same engine as Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader game but it looks like the format is slightly modified.

I found some information about the used formats at and

I have uploaded Fonts from game (.seq16) which I believe is a container for a bitmap (.fmt16) which I also included:


*.frm16 files are simple bitmap images, used for many things like UI elements, icons, minimaps, textures, portraits … In Lionheart, even more of them is actually embedded as frames in .SEQ16 and .MDL16 files. They use 16 bits per color and 8 bits for transparency (the older format probably used between 2 and 3 bits for transparency).

FRM16 file consists of a header and up to five layers. Each layer consists of pixel data followed by a lookup table to first pixels of each image row.

Depending on a file type, pixels are either uncompressed (type 64), or RLE-compressed (file type 68). Only the type 68 allows transparency.