Hi everyone, I am creating a simple tool for rendering textures of Resident Evil 4 game, from PS2 version.
However, there are some swizzled textures which I can't understand in which order the pixels are being read, they appear like this:
And here are the main header bytes (just for faster understanding):
I also have this texture unswizzled, just in case someone wants to compare.
All unswizzled textures pixels points to a color in the palette.
I just need an algorithm to render them correctly, if someone can help me, I will be very grateful.
BGR (no swizzle):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VuEoPU ... share_link
PS2 swizzled:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VWrUVY ... share_link
Resident Evil 4 PS2 swizzled textures
- Posts: 165
- Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:53 pm
Re: Resident Evil 4 PS2 swizzled textures
Well my try. Need more samples to make it clear.
And here's Noesis script. Sorry I can't provide anything about untwiddle or how palette are applied. Everything is processed by Noesis api code.
At PS2 i added noesis.DECODEFLAG_PS2SHIFT just to see how it will be different. You can remove that code.
Code: Select all
uint texMagic;
uint texNum;
uint texPalColors;
uint null;
ushort texWidth;
ushort texHeight;
ushort texFlag0;
ushort texFlag1;
uint texPaletteSize;
uint texPaletteTotalSize;
uint texDummy[4];
uint texMainLayerOffset;
uint texPaletteOffset;
uint texFileId; //Not sure
ushort texMips; //Not sure
ushort texMainLayerSize;
Code: Select all
from inc_noesis import *
import noesis
import rapi
import os
def registerNoesisTypes():
handle = noesis.register("RE4 - Texture", ".tpl")
noesis.setHandlerTypeCheck(handle, noepyCheckType)
noesis.setHandlerLoadRGBA(handle, noepyLoadRGBA)
return 1
def noepyCheckType(data):
bs = NoeBitStream(data)
if len(data) < 20:
return 0
if bs.readUInt() != 0x00001000:
return 0
return 1
def noepyLoadRGBA(data, texList):
bs = NoeBitStream(data)
texBaseName = rapi.getExtensionlessName(rapi.getLocalFileName(rapi.getInputName()))
texMagic = bs.readUInt()
texNum = bs.readUInt()
texPalColors = bs.readUInt()
texWidth = bs.readUShort()
texHeight = bs.readUShort()
texFlag0 = bs.readUShort()
texFlag1 = bs.readUShort()
texPalSize = bs.readUInt() * texPalColors
texTotalPalSize = bs.readUInt()
texMainLayerOffset = bs.readUInt()
texPalOffset = bs.readUInt()
texFileId = bs.readUInt()
texMips = bs.readUShort()
texMainLayerSize = bs.readUShort()
bs.seek(texPalOffset, NOESEEK_ABS)
texPalette = bs.readBytes(texPalSize)
bs.texPalette = texPalette
bs.seek(texMainLayerOffset, NOESEEK_ABS)
data = bs.readBytes(texMainLayerSize)
if texFlag1 == 0:
data = rapi.imageDecodeRawPal(data, bs.texPalette, texWidth, texHeight, 8, "r8 g8 b8 a8")
texFmt = noesis.NOESISTEX_RGBA32
elif texFlag1 == 2:
data = rapi.imageUntwiddlePS2(data, texWidth, texHeight, 8)
data = rapi.imageDecodeRawPal(data, bs.texPalette, texWidth, texHeight, 8, "r8 g8 b8 a8", noesis.DECODEFLAG_PS2SHIFT)
texFmt = noesis.NOESISTEX_RGBA32
texList.append(NoeTexture(rapi.getInputName(), texWidth, texHeight, data, texFmt))
return 1
At PS2 i added noesis.DECODEFLAG_PS2SHIFT just to see how it will be different. You can remove that code.
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Mon Aug 23, 2021 3:08 pm
Re: Resident Evil 4 PS2 swizzled textures
Ooh too bad we can't see what happens underneath then
I needed that because my tool is being made using JavaScript, so I would just adapt the code, but that's okay.
Thank you for the tip with python!
I needed that because my tool is being made using JavaScript, so I would just adapt the code, but that's okay.
Thank you for the tip with python!