Entergram's LZSS variation ("LZLR" magic)

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Entergram's LZSS variation ("LZLR" magic)

Post by TheUkrainianBard »

Games used in:
  • KonoSuba: Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers / この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!~呪いの遺物と惑いし冒険者たち~
  • Umineko: Golden Fantasia / Ougon Musou Kyoku / 黄金夢想曲
Looks like a LZSS variant with separated flags/data.
Something like this:

Code: Select all

0x00: LZLR - magic
0x04: uint32 - uncompressed filesize
0x08: uint32 - dataStart
0x0C-dataStart: flags/codewords
dataStart-EOF: literals
Found some very old tool for Umineko but without the available source - the repo was deleted some time in/after 2018. After some scouring, I have found the binaries.

As I am extremely unskilled when it comes to debugging and disassembly - I ask You for Your help (explanation of flags/literals/codeword in this implementation), to port for using in a Noesis script for KonoSuba graphic files.
Samples (compressed and decompressed) from the recent KonoSuba dungeon crawler/VN.
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Re: Entergram's LZSS variation ("LZLR" magic)

Post by masagrator »

I'm not sure if this will help, but you can check this repo

Posts: 121
Joined: Sun May 01, 2016 10:06 pm

Re: Entergram's LZSS variation ("LZLR" magic)

Post by TheUkrainianBard »

Thanks for the link to the repo.

I've tried implementing it, but to avail as of yet.