Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

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Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

Post by amgb »

Hello there,

I have downloaded the game Star Wars : Jedi Starfighter (PS2), in order to get the french voicelines of the game.

Here is below the list of the elements inside of the .iso (I think the voice files are in the francais.pak file)

18/12/2022 23:00 <DIR> .
18/12/2022 23:00 <DIR> ..
30/01/2002 18:34 3 591 AutoExec.con
09/02/2002 11:02 444 952 common.pak
12/02/2002 10:24 6 354 891 english.pak
13/02/2002 18:48 585 EUROPASK.CD
22/02/2002 15:09 5 330 117 francais.pak
13/02/2002 18:47 3 373 LEC.reg
01/12/2000 15:10 189 PS2.con
11/02/2002 09:57 92 170 035 resource.pak
22/02/2002 09:46 6 184 280 SLES_503.73
22/02/2002 17:30 <DIR> Streams
12/02/2002 22:56 366 997 811 streams.pak
22/02/2002 17:30 <DIR> Sys
22/02/2002 09:47 56 SYSTEM.CNF

Is there a bms script to extract a pak file ?
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Re: Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

Post by BloodRaynare »

Send that file here. And If possible, send the Streams.pak as well.
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Re: Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

Post by amgb »

Here are all the files :
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Re: Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

Post by BloodRaynare »

Here's the BMS script to extract the pak files:

Code: Select all


IDString "Europa Packfile\x0"
get UNK long # Version?
get ZERO byte
get INFO_OFF long
get INFO_SZ long
get FILES long


for i = 0 < FILES
	get NAME_LEN byte
	getdstring NAME NAME_LEN
	get OFFSET long
	get SIZE long
	if PAK_NAME == "streams.pak"
		get UNK long
	get UNK long
next i
The voices are inside the streams.pak file. Use the TXTH scripts attached below to play it with foobar + vgmstream plugin. Extract all the TXTHs to the same directory as the SCX files

Stereo SCXes are listed as a separate subsongs so you'll have to extract then join them manually or you can write a TXTP scripts.
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Re: Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

Post by amgb »

Hello and thanks for the script. I don't understand the part "so you'll have to extract then join them manually". How am I supposed to do this ?
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Re: Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

Post by BloodRaynare »

amgb wrote:I don't understand the part "so you'll have to extract then join them manually". How am I supposed to do this ?
Some of the extracted SCXes are stereo. Stereo = two audio channels. However, due to format inside it uses and the limitations of TXTH scripts, it had to be listed as two separate subsongs. To extract them, open the one of the stereo SCX file, highlight the both "L" and "R" subsongs, then convert them to wav by right clicking the highlighted items -> Convert -> Quick Convert. Then choose the directories to save them. There are few ways to join the separate stereo audios. One way is using an audio tool like Audacity.
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Re: Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

Post by amgb »

I cannot open the files, foobar doesn't recognize it (picture attached). And I have the vgmstream plugin.
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Re: Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

Post by BloodRaynare »

amgb wrote:I cannot open the files, foobar doesn't recognize it (picture attached). And I have the vgmstream plugin.
There are multiple TXTHes inside the attachment. You'll have the extract all of them.
But if it's still not recognized, have you already checked the "Enable unknown exts" in foobar preferences?
Also, might try to update the plugin?
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Re: Getting the voicelines files of Jedi Starfighter (PS2) game

Post by amgb »

Found it ! It was the "Enable unknown exts" param which wasn't enabled.

Thanks for your help !