Need Conker Live and Reloaded models

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Need Conker Live and Reloaded models

Post by Cartoondude135 »

Ok, here's the problem everyone: you know that "ready to capture" text that appears at the top left corner of the emulator you're ripping from? Well, that's the problem. It's not appearing even though I did everything correctly to get this program running.

Has anybody else experienced not seeing "ready to capture" while using Ninja Ripper/3D Ripper DX to rip from emulators? And if so, how did you fix your problem to be able to rip models? That is why I need to resort to someone else to help me rip these models while I try to figure out what's wrong with my PC.

This is the biggest bane of my model ripping time: Conker: Live and Reloaded (Xbox). You may need to try various ripping programs to successfully rip the models from within the use of the xemu emulator:

The Class Twenty-Two Tank - both from when you first encounter it from the beginning of Chemical Warfare
conker tank right side.jpg
and when it gets destroyed during the battle in The Experiment
Conker Tank Broken.jpg
, the Old War Steed with full health and both it's landing gear raised
Steed hover4.jpg
and lowered
steed landing gear1.jpg
, the robot spider
spider mines3.jpg
and jumping army crate
jumping crates L&R.jpg
from It's War, the 6 grenades - Frag
Frag Grenade icon.jpg
, Stun
Stun Grenade icon.jpg
, Magnova
Magnova Grenade icon.jpg
, CJ24
Gas Grenade icon.jpg
, Smoke, and Napalm (from both old war and future war), the old war terminal, the Tediz submarine, and the ceiling earthguard.