Did anyone try to make a patch file for UE5 games ? I did a small research so far and usuall methods does not work with UE5 pak files it seems. Yes extract is working just fine but make a patch is different story. I made an example project in UE5 5.0.3 for this specific case and for deep testing. However i was not able to make a patch file where game would take it. I did only init test but still i would like to know if anyone did try to make it work before me ? I can share this example project if anyone is interested to make some research. AS you can seen on this screen, there is localization keys user from 3 different part of engine. BP, c++, Game Assets.
michalss wrote:Did anyone try to make a patch file for UE5 games ? I did a small research so far and usuall methods does not work with UE5 pak files it seems. Yes extract is working just fine but make a patch is different story. I made an example project in UE5 5.0.3 for this specific case and for deep testing. However i was not able to make a patch file where game would take it. I did only init test but still i would like to know if anyone did try to make it work before me ? I can share this example project if anyone is interested to make some research. AS you can seen on this screen, there is localization keys user from 3 different part of engine. BP, c++, Game Assets.