Submarine Titans data files

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Submarine Titans data files

Post by Ryunoske »

Hi! I am using Quickbms to get files of Submarine Titans game from .dkd and .dkx files, and it works, but output files are not readable, as someone said to me — "because they were stripped of their headers". He also pointed out that there is enumeration file in game directory, that can help with it. I think I found it, but don't undestand how to use it.

Here it start of this file:
// Predefined Constants

// base sections
_M_ANY = 0 ;
_M_BMP = 1 ;
_M_WAV = 2 ;
_M_FNT = 3 ;
_M_PCX = 4 ;
_M_GIF = 5 ;
_M_SPR = 6 ;

Here's how it looks. aven is 54kb, aven0,1, etc. are all 1kb.
Image Image Image

I am not sure what these files are, probably bmp images. Can someone explain how I can get these files to be readable? I have also opened .exe file with IDA Pro trying to find units parameters like damage and health, but they aren't there, but probably somewhere in other .dkd .dkx files and I am desperate to find them to balance this game. I can provide more info if needed. Please help