Punshing Gray Raven Audio files

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Punshing Gray Raven Audio files

Post by RichardCaq »

I'm trying to extract punishing gray raven audio files from the CN game version 1.31 but no success .

I tired old the version 1.9 and i did manage to extract files by deleting the [kuro] from each file asset using hexa soft (i know it's dump but i'm not a coder)

but it seems that encryption changed now with new versions (1.31).

the files in question have @UTF => 40 55 54 46 at beginning of file

& I did managed to extract hca files using vgmtoolbox but the hca files are just corrupte , & too much noise playing in every extracted file

tired many other tool in the net but srsly same problem all extracted file are either corrupted or not working at all

can someone please help this is a sample .

https://mega.nz/file/CkYh3KTK#jjTuzD1HL ... wq4Q8A1tPM

P.S. i think decryption key is needed for acb files but again I'm not a coder :(
P.S. i extracted the hca run a hcainfo.exe soft i found in github turn out it's indeed encrypted by custom key ... now how to decrypte